Sunday, January 4, 2015

SEO, What is it?

At first, SEO is not something easy to understand. Indeed, during telephone interviews or written, I noticed that many people had never heard of this art before. That's why I suggest you do a quick tour of what the SEO, explaining its usefulness, its operation and its risks in a project.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art of optimizing a web project and its environment for the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo ...). More commonly known as SEO, its purpose is to enhance the quality, understanding, and especially the visibility of a website in the results of search engines.
Generally, SEO is just the sum of optimizations on the site (on-site) and off site (off-site). Then only engines decide our eligibility to be properly visible or not in their results. Of course, there are around these optimizations a number of things to do such as audits, monitoring, planning, etc.
SEO is a particular science in the sense that its use does not as induce engines (or rather their algorithms) to position ourselves, index, and / or evaluate properly.
Note that SEO is not only being referenced (in the classified or indexed sense) in the results, this is purely a tic language.


Generally, these are the top three of these natural results that make most of the traffic. Some studies even speak of nearly 90% of traffic generated on the first page, more than 60% only in the first three results. Clearly, if you are at the bottom of the first page or a few pages further on one of the requests of your business, you will reap a tiny portion of natural traffic. This is why SEO is important.
SEO allows you to properly position your pages on several key words and phrases holders of targeted traffic, that is to say in relation to your business and what you offer. Internet users and enter your site through targeted queries that direct them to the content they want. This increases thereafter (by their satisfaction) your visits, sales, etc.
Furthermore, it should be noted that today the position is not the only important criterion to be observed in SEO. Indeed, as we have seen above, an SEO strategy can improve the environment of a site, which means that your popularity component will also be optimized. You will benefit from direct traffic from search engines, but also indirect traffic from networks / social media or links that point to your website (backlinks).

In the early 2000s, the SEO was much simpler than today. Indeed, it was enough to have a good domain name, peppered content of keywords, links (among others) and we get the mass visiting what we were doing. It was a relatively permissive time since there were few controls or penalties from the search engines.
However, today the web has evolved. With the arrival of filters and penalties sanctioning bad practice (Google Panda, Penguin Google or other) optimize a site and its environment has become much more difficult and time consuming. Indeed, many companies were penalized by the search engines due to the use of techniques not in accordance with the rules of the engines.

Thus, SEO is today much more box to avoid SPAM, the poor quality content, theft, etc. Prioritize strategies for the long term is therefore timely to perform professional work without pitfalls.
In other words, SEO demand today much more effort, time and commitment, but it is risky if one wants to take risks with techniques to the limit (or more) rules engines.

As we have seen, SEO is based on a principle of optimization. However, there are many rules to follow and so avoid to get into exaggerated on-optimizations or risky practices causing sanctions, misunderstandings or more.
To avoid bad choices and accidents, the best way is to prepare while performing regular monitoring. This requires making a complete inventory of the website and then make a flexible strategy based on the objectives, budgets, corporate resources.

SEO organized around three main areas:
the Technique
the Content
the Popularity

Technical part corresponds to the optimizations related to the general operation of a site. It includes several areas such as system administration, web development, web design, usability, etc. These optimizations allow to leave on a good working basis in order to present the added value of a site. Clearly, the ground is prepared.
The second axis in turn includes the Content. This can be text, images, video, page, product, etc. The goal here is to create added value. By analogy, one could compare each content with a product of a gear shop on street. This part is essential in order to improve its visibility in the long term (no products / option = no store).
Finally, the third part called popularity is based almost outside the site. It shows / highlight added value as well as expertise. All this in order to acquire and retain maximum user on his project. This axis is very important because it allows not to drown in the mass.
In summary, SEO and relatively simple ... We look at the resources available, we study the site and detects problems, a strategy is created, it carefully and strategically correct the criteria that impact, then we questioned before to continue the cycle.
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